A while ago I wrote you on the topic of New Beginnings. The other side of beginnings is endings. When I changed the name of my business from “Free To Be Coaching” to “Neil Swanson Coaching,” that change signified not only a new beginning but also an ending. It represented an ending of some elements of my earlier
approach to coaching and the transition to a new approach that I hope will be even more supportive of my clients’ growth and well-being.
The times we live in can also be seen as an ending as well a beginning. Adversity is often the harbinger of much needed change. It all depends on the lens through which we look at it and how we
I am personally finding a new sense of purpose in the internal and external changes going on for me at this time. There is also a sense of being part of a much larger community and wanting to do my part to create a better world – whether by conserving water in an emergency or by learning and growing so that my coaching presence is
more helpful and healing to my clients.
What endings in your life might be signaling the coming of a higher sense of purpose or a renewed sense of community for you? I’d love to hear!