This is where "manual focusing" comes into play. The less interesting a task, the more we have to manually put tools and strategies in place to help us focus.
One powerful strategy that has proven to help folks calm their restless ADHD brains is meditation. It may seem quite unlikely that someone with a super active ADHD brain could meditate. But research has shown that folks with ADHD can, with practice, become
good meditators and can calm their brains so they can focus on less interesting but necessary tasks. This article from “Psychology Today” shares some very helpful information on that topic.
Over ten years ago, Kate Kelly and Peg
Ramundo wrote an article for ADDitude magazine called “Forget the Lotus Position – How to Meditate ADHD Style.”
This article contains a great deal of
wisdom that can be very helpful to folks who think they may never be able to slow down or rise above their steady stream of thoughts. I highly recommend reading it and trying out some of their suggestions if you would like to improve your ability to focus.
And remember – meditation is a practice, as they point out in the article. Enjoy your practicing!