Clever! That’s a word often used to described folks with ADHD. Most of us with ADHD have fast, highly creative, clever minds. We enjoy innovating and thinking outside the box. We enjoy our uniqueness. That has definitely been true for me. I have the ADHD maverick streak and have enjoyed being clever in my unique way. My cleverness helped me to provide a matchless service to homeowners for over 30 years. I also have files of my designs and inventions, a few of which I have built and am testing in my home and yard. I enjoyed seeing myself as clever.
However, I noticed that my cleverness would sometimes cause problems for me and for others with whom I had relationships. There was a lot of ego tied up in my cleverness. I liked to have the best idea and to impress others with my cleverness. That, of course, meant that I was judging others and not being open to their contributions. I could be quite good at telling other people how they needed to change to improve the situation –
or even improve the world.
Over the years, I came to see that focusing on how others needed to change didn’t actually make anything better. In fact, it made everyone unhappy, including me. Nobody enjoys being judged! Then I began to acquire some wisdom. As the 13th century Sufi poet Rumi wrote: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
I came to see that each of us has the opportunity to change the world by changing ourselves. I read and learned. I spent a few years engaged in Nonviolent Communication trainings and groups. Then I moved into coach training where I learned even more
about ADHD and myself. Most recently I have added the wisdom and practices of Positive Intelligence (PQ) to my coaching and am thrilled with the impact that has had on me, my coaching practice, and my clients! Interacting with dozens of caring individuals in these many contexts has nurtured my growth. I have become more peaceful (bringing more peace into the world), less judgmental (bringing more acceptance into the world), more loving (and what does our
world need more than love at this challenging time!). Each of us is inspired to take action in our lives in our own unique ways, and those actions will have a more positive, more widespread impact if they grow out of a place within ourselves that is peaceful, nonjudgmental, and loving. I’ve dedicated my coaching practice to helping others discover that place within themselves and to increasingly live from that place. Warmly, Neil
Self Awareness Exercises to help you increase self-awareness and boost personal growth. Most of my clients work with these exercises near the beginning of our coaching relationship. I'd like to share them with you, whether or not you have been a client. As you engage
with these exercises, you will discover strengths, clarify goals, and identify challenges. Remember that at every stage of your growth, you are FREE TO BE your wonderful, unique self!
SOME OPPORTUNITIES WITH FREE TO BE COACHING Free Exploratory Conversation It would be my pleasure to spend up to forty-five minutes with you, with no charge or obligation, to discover whether you and I might be good partners in accelerating your growth in areas of challenge and of strength. Click here to sign up for an Exploratory Conversation. I look forward to meeting with
One-Month Foundational Package Cost - $600 Your life can change radically if you seriously engage in the coaching process. Most clients choose the Foundational Coaching
Package to begin their exploration of the power of coaching. This month of concentrated coaching is intended to help you quickly establish a strong foundation for your accelerated personal growth, whether you continue with Individual Coaching or on your own. This Foundational Coaching Package includes: - three 45-minute individual coaching sessions on Zoom
- two or three “check-ins” (email, text, or phone) in days after each session
- at least five “Guide Sheets” addressing common ADHD challenges
- additional “Guide Sheets,” as appropriate, addressing your specific needs
- recommendations regarding many available resources
Learn more about my Individual Coaching here.
Four-Month Intensive Coaching Package This package of intensive, transformative coaching includes: - twelve 45-minute individual Zoom coaching sessions (three per month)
- two or three “check-ins” between sessions (email, text, or
- six-week Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Program, including
- sophisticated PQ phone app with resources, tools, and
- weekly recorded video lessons
- daily Mental Fitness exercises related to the weekly lesson
- access on the app to the Mental Fitness “Gym”
- connection on the app with a community of PQ participants
- (for more about this six-week program, see positiveintelligence.com)
- eight coach-led “PQ pod” sessions with 1-4 others in your six-week
- mutual support from fellow pod members
- PQ “Grow” program included through the end of the four-month coaching