If food and eating have been challenges for you (as they have for me) and you are looking for an ADHD-friendly way to approach this important area of life, this is the group for you. It could be transformational!
A week ago I was in touch with Dr.
Russell Barkley to inquire what he thinks about intermittent fasting and how it works for folks with ADHD. He acknowledge that it does work well and explained that the simplicity of the program is key for ADHD brains.
Intermittent Fasting is so simple that
there is really only one rule:
Eat only during your eating
There is no calorie counting or portion measuring. It couldn't be simpler! Eat during your eating window; fast (but stay hydrated) during your fasting window. The clock is your friend and guide. The schedule also helps provide needed
structure for your days.
For some the word “fasting” sounds a bit intimidating, but unless we eat all night it is something we already do every day – when we are sleeping. This program simply extends the length of that fast to allow our bodies to get into a
state of low insulin. When in that state, our bodies begin to burn fat rather than carbohydrates and that’s where the weight loss comes in.
If you’d like to learn more, reach out to me either by responding to this email or by visiting freetobecoaching.com/fast-forward and clicking on the link to get more information. Intermittent Fasting is simple, but the encouragement of a group of your peers as you ease into it and become accustomed to the program can be invaluable!
I hope to hear from you if you are looking for an ADHD-friendly way to lose pounds and feel great! If it's not for you but you know someone who might be interested, they'll be grateful to know about it before the Early Bird Special
ends Saturday.