It has been a grey, drizzly day in Virginia. How is it where you are? Winter is hanging on, but Valentine's Day will brighten the week! We hope you'll also find something in this email that makes your week a little more sparkly. Those of us with ADHD love sparkly!
First, Neil and I would like to share with you a video we've just made in which we discuss what to look for in a great ADHD coach. We hope it offers you some useful pointers and helps you get to know us a little better!
If you'd like to consider working with either of us, just email or call to set up a free, 30-minute introductory conversation. There's no obligation and there's no time like the present to add some sparkling conversation to your day. We'd love to talk with you!
You may remember the ADHD Women's Palooza from previous years! It's almost time for the 2019 version and you can even attend in your pajamas!
Come as you are! ADHD Women’s
(online) Palooza with 30 world ADHD experts. Feb. 25 – March 2, 2019. Don’t miss it!
The thirty experts will be talking about hormones, addictions, depression, “gaslighting,” rejection sensitivity, executive function and so much more.
FREE registration here.
And finally, we'd like to share a link to a webinar from ADDitude magazine. The expert is Dr. William Dodson, MD. The title is "Medication Management: How to Use and Adjust Stimulants Safely." This webinar has been helpful to many people. If you are taking
stimulants, considering taking stimulants, or know someone who might be, we think you'll find it worth your time to listen to Dr. Dodson. He's one of the leading experts on ADHD.
We'll be back in touch when we have more news to share about ADHD.