This is a good time to think about which of the "tools" in our personal tool kit we might want to strengthen so that it will be in top shape the next time it is needed.
If strengthening your resilience is something you'd like to focus on, I highly recommend an article by Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson entitled "Hardwiring Resilience into Your Brain." It is taken from their 2018 book Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness and was published on the Uplift website.
If you would like to read the article, visit the Uplift site
here. This article includes many valuable practices. You may find what works best for you is to try a few and then come back for more. If you find the article useful, don't hesitate to share it or this email with
someone else who could benefit.