I'm back again to update my offer of a free half-hour of coaching. My husband Neil, also an ADHD coach, would like to join me in making this offer. The email I sent Saturday (below) now also applies to Neil and to me . You can reach Neil at neil@freetobecoaching.com - and I am at linda@freetobecoaching.com. If you'd like to chat with a coach, please read the following:
Since I last wrote, our world has changed dramatically. How are you doing? How are you taking care of yourself and those who depend on you? Are you finding resources to support you? I hope some of the new ways we will all need to be to keep ourselves and others safe are starting to become clear to us all.
Neil and I are self-isolating, since we are in the demographic for whom that is strongly recommended, and I've been trying to think how I might be able to make a contribution in my free time while staying at home.
Here's what I've come up with: I'd like to offer you a free 30-minute coaching session, if you would like a chance to talk with me about anything that is on your mind. I'm a pretty good listener. I listen without judgment, and I want to support you in navigating through and making the most of this challenging time.
Since I can't talk with everyone on my mailing list, I'd like to start by scheduling the first twenty-five people who contact me. If I hear from more people, I'll create a waiting list and decide how to move forward when the time comes.
I will be scheduling the first of these chats for Monday, and we'll see how it goes from there. Let me know if you'd like a free half-hour with a coach!
Sending love and best wishes,
Linda Swanson, MA, PCC, PCAC