Hello, !
The start of a new year always seems to have a lot of positive energy around it. The start of 2020 is also, arguably, the start of a new decade, which can especially bring to mind thoughts of looking back, looking ahead, noticing progress, and setting goals.
I don't know about you, but one of the ways my ADHD shows up is in the difficulty I have looking ahead or planning very far in advance. I don't have a good connection to the future and have a lot of trouble with long-term planning, especially business and financial planning.
The occasion of this new year and decade, however, has helped me focus on where I've been and where I want to be. One way I'm trying to take advantage of the moment is by giving thought
to the many things I am grateful for in my life in addition to the things I'd like to improve.
The Joy Audit
An article from the January 1, 2020, edition of "The Guardian," is one good place to start, or at least it has been for me. The article by Elle Hunt is called "The Joy Audit: How to have more fun in 2020." You can find it here.
We know that what we focus on or pay attention to expands, so why not focus on things that bring us joy? The article suggests several ways to bring more joy and happiness into our lives in 2020.
It is not a super short article, but I would like to suggest that you not avoid reading it just because involves some scrolling to reach the end. It's an easy read! You might start by just reading the parts that interest you. Look at the headings and pick the ones that you feel drawn to. If you find those helpful, you can always come back to the article later to read other hints that seem engaging at that time.
One idea the writer mentions is the Life Balance Wheel. If that intrigues you, let me know and I'll send you a couple of pages I give my clients. With them you'll be able to create your own Life Balance Wheel.
If you or anyone you know would like to start 2020 with a plan for improving health and losing pounds, please let me know. A new Fast Forward to Success (FFS) Intermittent Fasting (IF) Group Coaching Program will soon be underway and I'd love to talk with anyone who is interested in this ADHD-friendly way
to manage eating.
If you would like to start the first 100 days of this year with a Positive ADHD Thought (PAT), visit freetobecoaching.com and sign up. You will receive an email every weekday at around 7 AM your time with a short, positive thought. There is no cost, no obligation.
To keep them coming after 100 days, just sign up again! If you are like me, the PATs will appear new to you the second time around if you resubscribe.
You are welcome to share this idea with friends who might be interested in signing up. Everyone is welcome!
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and peaceful 2020!
Linda Swanson, MA, PCC, PCAC