It can be similarly challenging to pause our usually busy ADHD brains long enough to notice the present moment. This is a practice that has benefits every day of the year, several times a day! So much goes on in our heads, that even remembering that we need to pause is a challenge. But this also can be
It takes practice to become present in the moment, but that is the real power in pausing. Usually our heads are busy and our bodies are busy, sometimes even when we're sleeping! Because we have lived like that for so long, it feels normal. But does it always serve us well to be human doings when we are really human beings?
It's in the pause that we make wise choices. We step back from our busy minds and bodies and gain some perspective on our options by becoming become aware of the present moment, using our heads and our bodies to notice where we are in time and space.
In the pause, gratitude can be experienced, because we open a space to acknowledge all that we have to be grateful for. In the pause, joy is felt when we let go of the "shoulds" and experience the richness of the moment. In the pause, even peace can be felt as we notice our breath slowing and calm coming over us. The pause itself something to be grateful for!