This is the twenty-ninth in a series of brief, daily emails I'm sending during October -- global ADHD Awareness Month. Each features a quote that relates to ADHD and
. . . it's not only our children's emotional floods that cause problems. An emotional desert, where feelings and the right brain are ignored or denied, is no
healthier than a flood. We see this response more often in older children.
Difficulty with emotional regulation is often a big part of living with ADHD. Learning about the brain and about emotions can help children and adults understand and be more compassionate toward themselves.
Dr. Daniel Siegel has made how the brain works much more understandable for all ages. His book The Whole Brain Child is a valuable resource. You might also want to Google YouTube for videos about his brain-in-the-hand model. Here's one example.
PS. If you are curious about ADHD coaching and how it can benefit you, I'd be delighted to schedule a free introductory conversation to answer your questions and to hear the ways you would like to achieve greater success.
Just email me at
Thom Hartmann has said,
"Coaching, it turns out,
is one of the most powerful and effective
ways for people with ADHD to achieve