Your Wednesday ADHD Hint

Published: Wed, 02/07/18

Your Wednesday ADHD Hint!
from Free To Be Coaching
Linda Swanson, PCC                                                Wednesday, February 7, 2018      
Hello, !
For a few years we've had a YouTube channel called "ADHD Hints." I like that title, so I'm borrowing it for my weekly newsletter. Welcome to the first edition!

Each week I will be sharing a nugget of information that I hope will make living with ADHD easier, a lot more fun, and much more rewarding! Today's Hint is this:

If you can pause, you can choose!

Sometimes, having ADHD feels like not having a chance to choose! Before we even notice what's happening, we've blurted a comment or taken an action we regret. Impulsivity, a hallmark of ADHD for many of us, is about acting without thinking beforehand. That leaves little or no room for choice!

If we can pause for just a moment prior to a blurt or misguided action, we give ourselves a chance to consider the wisdom of what we are about to say or do, and we might make a conscious, thoughtful choice.
This is a quote I love from Viktor Frankl, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

That space between stimulus and response is what I mean by "a pause." The pause "muscle" in someone with ADHD is often not well developed, but that doesn't mean it is missing. I find it helps to become aware of a tool we have with us from the moment we are born until the moment we die -- our breathing!

Take A Breath and Become Aware of That Breath!

Breathing is almost always out of our conscious awareness. Practice becoming aware of your breathing several times a day. . . in-breath, out-breath, in-breath, out-breath.

Notice when you switch from an in-breath to an out-breath and use that moment to pause. Use that moment when you switch from in to out to become aware of where you are in time and space, in other words, to pause and consider your situation and your options. In that moment of being present, you have a chance to respond rather than react! You're building your pause muscle and moving toward growth and freedom!
Change happens slowly and by taking baby steps. What tiny, baby steps can you take this week to create moments of awareness and choice?
Until next Wednesday!

     Within the next week I expect to announce the details of a new coaching group for women 55 and older that I plan to start the first week in March. This will be a fabulous opportunity to meet weekly with other women for support and growth! 
     If you are interested, let me know; if you know someone else who might be interested, please ask them to join our email list at, so they will receive the announcement. It should be coming soon! 

Are you Ready to Take a Giant Step Toward Your Goals?
If not now, then when? 

Do you have a personal support team?
We all need one!
Have you considered adding a credentialed ADHD coach?

I would be happy to help!
Together we will discover your strengths
and find new ways for you to use them 
in creating new systems and strategies
for areas of challenge.

Email me for an introductory chat,
if you'd like to explore what coaching with me can do for you! 

Linda Swanson, PCC, MA, CACP


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